When in love, the world sings a vibrant new song. Hands held, bodies close and spirits entwine. There is nothing to beat that feeling of being in love, the extreme highs and lows, the sighs and longing. Love needs a place to be alone, somewhere tranquil and beautiful to share for a while.
We can recommend some absolutely stunning rural hideaways for 2 in the UK – small romantic cottages where you can lay the foundations of your fondness and regard for each other.

To walk under stars you need to be away from the bright lights of cities, in country areas without street lights that encourage your lover to instinctively draw close. Search the night skies and realise what miniscule but marvellous and individual creations we are in this enormous picture. Look for holiday cottages and charming rustic log cabins for a few nights break in rural counties such as Northumberland, Cumbria or Yorkshire in the north of England, Suffolk and Norfolk in East Anglia, the Isle of Wight and country areas in south Cornwall. Herefordshire is also pleasantly green with intertwining country lanes that lead to remote and secluded cottages hidden from the world.

Much of Wales and Scotland is rural. Escape to the remote places with woodland and coast, perhaps stay in a cottage by the sea so that you can have romantic walks on the beach in the morning, quiet places where the only company might be a lazy seal or squawking gulls.

There are some fabulous cottage retreats around some of the Scottish lochs, stay awhile and watch the sun go down bright red over the water. Go walking in the wooded hills during the day, you’re likely to spot shy deer, plenty of rabbits and find pleasantly mossy clearings in amongst the trees. Take a picnic and enjoy a champagne lunch for two.
Self-catering cottage breaks for couples can be wonderful with a little imagination and forethought. The chance to be alone to express love can be more than an idle notion. There are lots of divine places to stay in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Start saving for that special trip or if you already have the means, someone you love and the desire, then do take a look at www.lastminute-romantic.com.