Rent a country cottage, log cabin, apartment, house or houseboat for a self-catering holiday and have a great time.
If you want to find out more about taking a holiday in the beautiful British countryside and want to find recommended places to stay, visit

In the UK we cannot always guarantee wonderful weather but the good thing about a self-catering holiday home is that you can live there much as you would in your own home, so, if it rains, do you care?
You can play music, watch TV, play with your children, chat with friends, play cards and games or sit and study your navel whilst sipping champagne. Indoors and out of the rain!
Self-catering provides a holiday on a small budget
The only extras that you need to pay for apart from the usual (remember you can cook and eat as you would at home with no expensive drinks and snacks to pay for in cafes and restaurants if you plan wisely and take picnics) are the accommodation itself and travel. Self-catering really minimises your budget because all those ice creama, burgers and drinks add up when you have a family.
Check out the good quality cottages and holiday accommodation on Country Cottages Online for a really nice place to stay.