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We are especially keen to hear from people who have farm cottages that they would like to advertise. Farm holidays are wonderful for families with very young children who are absolutely fascinated with everything that happens on a from from feeding the animals, milking cows and goats to growing arable crops and the all important tractor.
There are farm cottages available to rent in all rural parts of the UK. The countryside and green spaces in the UK are among the most beautiful in the world. We have footpaths that cross farmers fields, pass through woodland and meander for miles. It is a real treat to walk through countryside in the UK taking in the wild flowers in the meadows and hedgerows, noting birds and butterflies or enjoying a picnic on a riverbank.
Our rural cottages are often quaint and perhaps thatched, always full of character and interesting features. Rent a country cottage during the summer and see swallows and house martens swooping collecting food, hear the cooing of doves and if you are fortunate watch badgers at play in the late evening. Sit out in your cottage garden and sizzle sausages on the barbeque or lazily sip wine and relax. This is waht a British country cottage holiday is all about.